Freightage to Brazil!
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    Freightage to Brazil

    Грузоперевозки в Бразилию
    Brazil is the largest country in South America, possessing a powerful agribusiness and extractive industry. It closes the top five states in area and is in the 6th place in terms of population in the world. At the same time, it is the world’s largest Portuguese-speaking country.

    Freights transportation from Russia to Brazil is one of the activities of TRD Logistic company. In addition, we are ready to arrange the delivery of freights to the Latin American country from the CIS republics and Asian states. In the course of rendering services, we carry out the whole range of activities, from route development to documentary support and arrangement of loading-unloading operations.

    Despite the great distance between countries and the need to use various types of transport, we are ready to ensure delivery to the client almost anywhere in Brazil. For freightage to Brazil, large capacity containers are used to achieve not only safety, but also ease of transportation.

    Freights to be delivered

    The bulk of Brazilian imports are high-tech products and the country purchases primary commodities in large volumes. Concerning Russian supplies to Brazil the dominant categories of goods are:

    • machinery and equipment (14%);
    • fuel (13%);
    • electrical equipment (11%).

    The main volume of freightage to Brazil falls on the largest cities of the country: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza and many others.


    Our company provides services for delivery of Russian freights to Brazil, as well as works with transit goods from Asian countries, while providing the entire range of ancillary services, including:

    • allocation of freights in temporary storage warehouses;
    • forwarding support in seaports;
    • declaration of transit goods;
    • customs clearance of freights;
    • insurance support;
    • execution of transport documentation.

    TRD Logistic company has been transporting freights from Russia to Brazil for several years, which allowed us to develop a base of partners in the Latin American country, optimize the delivery schemes used, reducing the costs of their implementation and the timing of orders. We are ready to undertake the transportation of any freights, including oversized equipment, hazardous supplies, and so on.

    You will have quality and competence turning to us.
    ТРД Логистик

    Trd Logistic is one of the leaders among logistics companies in Russia.

    We are engaged in the freightage to the Middle East.

    The company has achieved great success in the safe and high-quality freightage.

    Moscow, Varshavskoe shosse, 125, building 1

    Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 20:00 (GMT +3)

    ТРД Логистик
    Contact information
    adressMoscow, Varshavskoe shosse, 125, building 1
    Contact us
    timeMon-Fri : 9:00 - 20:00 (GMT +3)